Instead of saying, “Man, how do they do that?” start asking yourself, “How can I?” If you’re asking yourself good questions and you’re finding the answers, you ask yourself better questions, you get better answers.
ne of the hardest things to say, especially when it comes to your business career is the saying the word NO. Saying no to a requestor, investor, or business partner is quite difficult especially when you know that you have a generous and kind heart.
No matter what business you are in, things need to get done and people need to do them – they are called virtual assistants (VAs). Robert aggregates steps that you didn’t even know could be aggregated when it comes to hiring a VA.
Bob became a salesperson. Back in the days, he sold computers when they first came out. Then he shifted into selling copiers for a long time. With this, he learned how to sale and learned how to talk with people and create business where there was none. He was lucky to have been able to work with great sales managers and companies and learned a great deal from this experience. But sooner or later the realization of wanting something more came, and he got tired working for a company.
How do you raise capital? You start with friends and family. That’s just basically it and that’s just one of the many strategies! Mike and I will share our secrets on how to start build capital and finances in the Multi-family business.
How to put deals together and how to raise money from sponsors is the back bone of the multi-family apartment business. But putting up deals is not as easy as it seems. For one, it will not be an automatic process once you step inside the game of real estate.
Stuck, scared and uninspired to venture out into the game of real estate? Want to put your life a notch higher but you’re having second thoughts? Well, here’s another success story from one of my friends Nizan Mosery.