Robert Nickell, the founder of REIVA (Real Estate Investor Virtual Assistants) shares that in the quest for productivity and success, especially in the field of real estate, the process could get really demanding and tense. In real estate, we recognize that there are a lot of things to take into consideration: from handling one transaction to another, fixing and flipping, upgrading investments and not to mention all the paper works and technicalities one must go through – it can get really perplexing.

Following the advice of his business partner at that time, they started to search for a virtual assistant. But the search itself became a struggle. They had a hard time to look for that perfect VA that can adapt and play well in the real estate business.

He drew his inspiration from there and founded REIVA. REIVA is a virtual assistant service that can be of any help that you get to do anything in your business. From the day-to-day ancillary tasks in any business. If you’re in the real estate business, they train their VAs specifically on real estate investing tasks.

Virtual assistants basically help you do your day-to-day tasks – all that has to get done, from marketing to social media like Facebook and your LinkedIn profiles. All the things that need to get done from building buyer’s lists if you’re wholesalers, or contractor management, including all the documentation, transaction information, and close information. Virtual Assistant is just somebody that’s not sitting in your office. They can do those for you. In REIVA, we provide an independent contractor for real estate investors that can do the majority of your day-to-day tasks.

Some may still be apprehensive when it comes to availing services from VAs. Questions like, “This person works around the world, on the other side of the world, and they’re going to do my task? How does that happen?” It is indeed a great deal to entrust someone that you don’t get to see physically to represent your business and personal track record and reputation.

Robert likes to think otherwise. In REVIA, the first thing they do is they get to know our clients; who you are, what you’re doing, what your business looks like, the way you’re currently constructed, what your employees look like, how you market your team. They want to know who you are, where you are, and where you’re trying to go and just be aligned with who you are. Once aligned and feel like they’re congruent with your goals, then from there they start creating job descriptions to meet the needs that we’ve identified within your business. That job description leads to qualified candidates for that position. We believe in having the right person and the right seat.

His team facilitates that whole process. From technology questions, to onboarding and implementation, and facilitating the whole process from resumes and screening and profiling and interviewing and everything. VAs for real estate investors can help you with the marketing, seller lead management, analysis/comps, social media management, closing coordinator, transaction coordinator, list building, CRM management and system documentation. They create a task map, which they call a success map. A success map is a 90-day plan, a projection of what your everyday business is going to look like. When you wake up, there’s end of day and start of day reports so you know exactly what’s being done, how you communicate, their time is your time. There’s a lot of organization upfront that my team facilitates so that you have success. Since the client and the VA will be working on different time zones, the VA is required to work in your real time for real time communication.

In my experience, my VA is a Filipino. The Philippines is more or less 12 hours ahead of our time.  Most likely, my 9:00AM for me is like 11:00PM there. She works from 11:00PM to 7:00AM every day. People ask all the time how I know what they’re doing. It’s about productivity. You know with your VA, she does a great job for you because of what she’s producing and you’re interacting with her everyday which is in real time. I call her anytime and she’s like, “What’s up chief?”

Productivity is hard and it’s a lot of work. We’re there for our clients and we’re there for you to solve your problems and help you get to where you’re trying to go, get your time back and get more done at the same time. Don’t be afraid to explore other ways and means in pushing for the success of your business. Remember, our goal is to reach our maximum potential with the fields that we are in, learn and educate ourselves more in the business and build a better future for ourselves!


Salma Naz Administrator
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